. Media – Break Time

Visit us in Trogirska 8, Split Croatia - Fri & Sat 10am to 2pm. Store Locations


  • 10% OFF all collections, except Ocean
  • FREE custom engraving
  • FREE shipping over €50 to EU, UK, US


Nous sommes reconnaissants de toute l'attention médiatique que vous nous portez. Cela signifie beaucoup pour nous car nous sommes une petite entreprise. Nous voyons de jour en jour un projet se présentant comme un passe-temps au départ, ce développé rapidement et grandir, et cela grâce à votre intérêt et ceux des médias qui eux ont aussi su nous porter leur soutien. Pour finir l'amour et le soutien de nos amis ont été d'une grande aide. 

Alors, nous voulons vous dire MERCI ! A tous ceux qui nous promeuvent, nous apprécions vraiment votre soutien et vos avis sur nos produits et vos belles paroles dites au sujet de notre entreprise. Notre boutique est née de notre passion pour la mer. Voici donc une sélection de la couverture médiatique que nous avons reçue jusqu'à présent:

02.08.2020 - Klik.ba

The legendary Magic Johnson arrived on holiday in Split on a megayacht

02.03.2020 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Fans, Rejoice! Both Split Locations Have Officially Re-Opened

27.01.2020 - Total Croatia News

5 Years a Foreign Entrepreneur in Croatia: The Good, Bad & Ugly

21.01.2020 - Total Croatia News

Hello, 2020: Break Time Kicks Off New Year with Jewelry Franchise

15.11.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Presents Three New Collections in Time for Holiday Season

20.10.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Talks Summer Success, New Offers, and Franchising in 2020

02.09.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Says Goodbye to Summer, Hello to September with Discounts!

02.08.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Introduces New and Exclusive Collection: Hello, Yacht Club!

26.07.2019 - Total Croatia News

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Break Time Jewelry Says No to Plastic with New Collection

25.07.2019 - Kroatien auf Deutsch

Break time - Schmuck für die Adria

25.06.2019 - Total Croatia News

Romanian Entrepreneur Shows Business Cafe International How to Succeed in Croatia

16.06.2019 - Poslovni Dnevnik

Rumunjka Mirela Rus u Splitu sa suprugom drži pet prodavaonica Break Time.

31.05.2019 - Total Croatia News

Hello, Istria! Break Time Rovinj Reopens June 1

01.05.2019 - Chasing the Donkey

Break Time Bracelets: The Ultimate Souvenir For Sea Lovers

31.03.2019 - Total Croatia News

Hello, Spring! Break Time Welcomes New Season by Reopening Dubrovnik and Split Shops

18.03.2019 - Adria Daily Magazin

U centru Zagreba otvorena prodavaonica Break Time® Hrvatska

07.03.2019 - City Time

Break Time u Zagrebu

04.03.2019 - Total Croatia News

Snapshots of Zagreb as a New Business Opens in a Pretty Courtyard

28.02.2019 - Total Zagreb

Hello, Zagreb! Break Time Opens Fifth Shop in Croatian Capital

11.02.2019 - Total Split

Break Time is Back in Business: Zadarska 1 Location Reopens Tomorrow!

05.02.2019 - Jutarnji List

U Hrvatskoj pokrenuli biznis s nautičkim narukvicama: 'Svi su nam govorili da smo ludi!'

19.12.2018 - Total Croatia News

Holiday Shopping Made Easy Thanks to Break Time Handcrafted Jewelry

17.10.2018 - Blue World Institute

Cooperation with Break Time Croatia to "Save Marine Life"

06.10.2018 - Total Split

Break Time Opens Second Location in Split!

Total Croatia Sailing

Break Time: An Adriatic Nautical Jewellery Hit in Split, Dubrovnik and Online

19.09.2018 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Fights to Preserve Marine Life with New Bracelet Engravings

01.08.2018 - Bored Panda

This Guy Completely Changed His Life Around: From Electronics Engineer In Romania To Jewellery Designer In Croatia

01.08.2018 - Total Croatia News

Croatian brand Break Time announces big 24h flash sale event on August 1st

01.08.2018 - Flight Network

72 Hours of Adventure and Tours in Split.

18.07.2018 - Total Croatia News

Donate blood tomorrow, get a free Break Time key-ring

02.06.2018 - Total Croatia News

Welcome to Rovinj: Break Time opens fourth shop in Croatia!

16.05.2018 - Total Croatia News

Handcrafted in Croatia: Break Time Porec offering free custom engraving this weekend

27.03.2018 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Expands into Istria with New Shop in Porec

04.01.2018 - Total Split

Croatian Bracelets Make UK Debut: Catch Break Time Nautical at London Boat Show this month!

04.01.2018 - The Dubrovnik Times

UK debut for Break Time Croatia nautical bracelets at London Boat Show

17.11.2017 - Total Croatia News

Meet Croatia's Foreign Entrepreneurs: Mirela from Romania

24.10.2017 - Total Croatia Sailing

Biograd Boat Show: Vlog Review by 45 Degrees Sailing

02.10.2017 - Total Croatia News

A morning at Rijeka Nautic Show (photos)

11.08.2017 - Total Croatia Sailing

Sailing in Croatia: The Adriatic Alphabet - B is for...

04.07.2017 - Total Split

Customer in Break Time Nautical gets surprise of a lifetime

31.03.2017 - Total Eco Croatia

5 ways to be a better tourist in Croatia

07.03.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Croatia

06.03.2017 - Jutarnji

JAMIEJA FOXXA ODUŠEVILI HRVATSKI SUVENIRI Oskarovac će iz Dubrovnika kući ponijeti unikatne narukvice s motivima Trogira i Splita

06.03.2017 - Total Croatia News

Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Croatia

28.02.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Interview: MIRELA RUS – Taking a break in Croatia proved to be the winning combination

10.02.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Croatian brand Break Time® opens new store in Dubrovnik

10.02.2017 - Just Dubrovnik

Croatian brand Break Time opens new store in Dubrovnik

January 2017 - Men's Health (printed edition)

Men's Health Croatia - gift suggestion - Break Time nautical anchor bracelet

01.12.2016 - Moda.hr

Zimi ne zaboravite na ljeto

06.09.2016 - Rebateszone.com

Best Gift Ideas under $100

04.05.2016 - Montre-de-luxe.com

Break Time: des bracelets très marins

11.02.2016 - Whatta Fashion

Break Time Nautical kolekcija nakita napokon stiže u Zagreb

11.02.2016 - She.hr

Break Time Nautical kolekcija napokon stiže u Zagreb

11.02.2016 - The Best Shop

Break Time Nautical kolekcija nakita napokon stiže u Zagreb

10.02.2016 - Online Zagreb.hr

Break Time Nautical kolekcija napokon stiže u Zagreb

10.02.2016 - Moda.hr

Nautical nakit koji ćete nositi na gradskom asfaltu

20.01.2016 - Slobodna Dalmacija Daily

Splitski Rumunji Mirela i Ionut: Svi su ludi za našim nautičkim narukvicama

13.01.2016 - HRT (Hrvatska Radiotelevizija)

Zaljubili su se u Hrvatsku i rumunjsku adresu zamijenili splitskom

08.12.2015 - Jadran TV Split

Break Time Store Opening in Split

03.12.2015 - Dalmatinski Portal

Break Time Nautical napokon u Splitu

03.12.2015 - Total Croatia News

Making a Fresh Start in Croatia with a Booming Line of Nautical Jewelry

16.05.2015 - Chasing the Donkey Croatia

Days of Croatian Boat Building: DHMB