. Jamie Foxx taking home Break Time souvenirs from Dubrovnik

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Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Dubrovnik

Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Dubrovnik

 Curious of what was in the bag that Jamie Foxx got? Click & find out! 

We have this image about famous people, that they are different and untouchable...you know what I mean. Well, Jamie Foxx - who won an Oscar for best actor a few years back - is most certainly the exception to the rule.

I met him this week - since he was in Dubrovnik, playing Little John in the new Robin Hood movie.

Jamie Foxx on Stradun, playing Little John in the new Robin Hood movie

He is a very, very cool and down-to-earth guy, he walked on Stradun (the main street of Dubrovnik Old Town) with members of his family and he agreed to have his photo taken with basically everyone who asked him to (unlike Jamie Dornan and Taron Egerton, who always jumped in the car as soon as filming was over).

So here it is: me and Jamie Foxx, and a goodie bag full of Break Time nautical souvenirs (he liked the idea that they were handmade, I explained that my husband is making all of our products and he also liked the name of our brand :)

Jamie Foxx with a bag full of Break Time nautical bracelets - souvenirs from Dubrovnik Croatia

And I must say I was quite happy to see him walking down the street, holding the Break Time bag, while having his photo taken with more and more fans :)

Jamie Foxx on Stradun, Dubrovnik - holding the Break Time bag full of nautical souvenirs, including anchor bracelets

 Curious of what was in the bag that Jamie Foxx got? Click to find out!